Turnstile’s New Music Is So Good People Are Literally Shitting Themselves

Turnstile released one of the best rock albums of the year, full stop, last week. Glow On, the Baltimore hard-core outfit’s third full-length, is pummeling enough to satisfy dedicated fans and ambitious enough to appeal to listeners outside the genre; the band collaborated with Blood Orange’s Dev Hynes and Dr. Dre–trained producer Mike Elizondo. It’s huge and special and worth dropping everything you’re doing to listen to right now.

As bands do, Turnstile has been touring for Glow On the past few weeks, debuting the new music to rooms of rowdy fans ready to go hard after a year and a half of not moshing. One fan reportedly went especially hard at the band’s August 30 show in Santa Cruz, California, where Turnstile played at a VFW hall alongside peers Show Me the Body, Never Ending Game, and Gulch. Apparently, someone shit in the pit at the show, with some of the poop ending up onstage during Turnstile’s set, likely tracked by a stage diver.